
About Us

Aipraiser.com originally was designed for ease of use in tracking appraisal files for appraisers between appraisers and all their clients.  It was designed for an appraiser to easily communicate with all their clients in a single website rather than having multiple logins for each client’s website.  It then also evolved into a site designed for all lenders and AMC’s to communicate with their appraiser vendors in a single online website. 

The idea began with the designer, being an appraiser himself, once received a call for getting a transplant for a kidney.  So, he had to immediately contact every one of his 25 clients all individually which took about 4 hours telling all his clients the good news, logging into different websites, making calls, sending emails to inform all the clients that he would no longer be able to complete any of the assignments in process or accept any new jobs in the near future so he could go get his kidney.  When that task was completed of contacting all his clients, the owner got another call from the transplant staff a few hours later indicating that the kidney was not viable and the transplant had to be canceled.  So, grudgingly but necessary, this appraiser had to take another 4 hours of his day just to inform all the clients, again that he was back to work.   Aipraiser.com was born to cure all this inefficiency.

Due to the inefficiency of the current broken system of disconnectedness, this appraiser thought, what if there were a single website so he could instantly communicate this type of situation to all his clients at once and be done in less than 5 minutes?  It also evolved to be designed around the clients, lenders, and banks so they could more easily find an appraiser based on the soonest turnaround time or fee or even quality of work.  For instance, an AMC typically searches for appraisers to do appraisals quickly and efficiently.  So, if the AMC knew which appraiser has the soonest turn time, a client could quickly find the appraisers with the soonest turn times available and contact them instead of making calls to 30 appraisers and waiting for a response from 30 different appraisers, the current process could be much more effectively done through Aipraiser.com by having to contact only a handful of appraisers increasing efficiency for lenders and AMCs alike. 

For appraisers, there would be no more logging into 20 different websites just to communicate updates to coverage areas, updating E&O insurance and licenses with all their clients and lenders.  With Aipraiser.com, all your clients would be notified though a single website.  With Aipraiser.com, AMC’s or lenders would have all their appraiser’s schedules readily available to know beforehand who is available the soonest for an appraisal assignment and even be able to search for new appraisers in areas that are currently not covered. To put it simply Aipraiser.com is a searching, sorting, offering, bidding, tracking, appraisal ordering, and payment website designed to put appraisal orders all in one site to more efficiently do work and save time.

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